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7 min read
6 Takeaways From My Big Leap Move & Why You Should Care
Quite frankly it was the shock of it all. The build up and then the actual exertion it takes to catapult yourself into a new life. ...

5 min read
3 Keys to Discovering the Heart of Your Brand
Jen came to me exasperated. She was living a slow demise in a cubicle  selling affiliate marketing after having an exceptional career as...

3 min read
Embrace Your Weird & Make Them Take Notice
It's time for all of us to embrace our weird! Why? Because that is the very thing that will make you stand out in a noisy marketplace! ...

8 min read
7 Powerful Places to Use Your Brand Message
The importance of brand messaging is lost on most people in business. This isn't an assumption. I hear it all the time. "Can you make me...

7 min read
They Really Don't Care about You
Here’s the truth: 82% of first-time visitors to your website take no action. Why is that? Because they are there for one reason, and one...

8 min read
Authenticity: The Secret to Building a Brand That Works In 2024
I don't know about you, but the formula for success that my parents gave me growing up may have worked then, but it sure doesn't work in...

1 min read
Podcast: Alycia Huston, Neuroscience to Build Thriving Company Cultures
"If you don't create the culture, it will be created whether or not you're involved." - Alycia Huston  LISTEN NOW ON YOUTUBE!   ...

2 min read
She Left This World Wrapped in Love & Light
Dr. Rachel left this world to go to " the most beautiful place she had ever seen ' - she said of her latest meditations before she passed...
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