Authenticity: The Secret to Building a Brand That Works In 2024

I don't know about you, but the formula for success that my parents gave me growing up may have worked then, but it sure doesn't work in today's world.
You know the one. The "success" formula of going along with the program and doing what you are told. "Because I said so!" No discussion.
Everyone gets their own version of The Success Formula. Mine was to be a debutante, go to college, marry a doctor, have two kids, be the best hearth-tender I can be, and enjoy the Junior League.
But none of that worked for me.
By the time I was a teen, I could see right through the hypocrisy. I became rebellious and refused to be complicit in unjust and ridiculous competitive games of one-upmanship that were devoid of compassion for those who didn't have as much as we had (or, more accurately, acted as we had).
Are you like me, who left some significant and wondrous natural talents and gifts ready to be activated?
Why Bother with Authentic Expression in Your Business?

Ultimately, I didn't sign up for "The Success Formula." Instead, I opted out and began my life journey forging my own path in search of my authentic expression. My quest to unearth the truth of who I truly AM. And I've stayed the course all my life thus far, not caving into the 'because I said so' as much as I could get away with it. Yes, I am a rebel.
I have become more liberated from what is false and holds me back, and I can make a more significant impact - the impact I came here to make, which gives me meaning and makes me happy!
What does this have to do with business? As we move further into 2023, people are increasingly looking for brands and people they can trust and relate to personally. To build strong connections with your audience, brands must prioritize authenticity in their branding efforts - no matter the company's size.
From solopreneur authors, coaches, and speakers to large corporations to attracting good talent, authenticity sells.
Authenticity is the secret sauce and should be a top priority for these two reasons:
First and foremost, authenticity is essential for building trust with consumers. In a world where many brands make false promises and engage in deceptive practices, consumers are becoming increasingly savvy at detecting inauthenticity.
They want to feel confident that the brands they buy from are genuine and honest, and they are more likely to reward those that are.
Secondly, authenticity is vital for building emotional connections with consumers. When brands convey a sense of personality and genuine connection with their customers, they are more likely to build strong, long-lasting relationships, leading to greater customer loyalty and advocacy and increased word-of-mouth marketing.
The Three Steps To Emerging Your Authentic Expression
There are three steps to authentic expression in your business and building the resonance to make a quantum leap in your business.

Let's look at each one.
Step 1: ALIGNMENT: Feel Peace and Harmony
Are you owning who you are?
Are you owning who you truly are?
On the journey to claiming alignment within my soul, it took a great deal of shedding who I was to up-level my life. Seeking your authentic self can bring up resistance, fear, and self-doubt. We've encountered 'the growth edge.'
Maybe you've been invited to speak to a big audience you love and want to contribute to, but you've never spoken in front of a crowd. You're feeling under qualified even though you were personally invited by someone you respect and who has confidence in you. You wonder if you are up for it.
Imposter syndrome rushes in to protect you from embarrassment. You are sure you must decline.
You could be at a growth edge.
Or you could suddenly experience everyone around you telling you how great you did at something, but you discount it and don't think anything else about the joy and fun you had. But what if this latent talent is just the thing that will make someone's life better?
Don't allow the growth edge to knock you out.
When you align with your true purpose and get clear on what you uniquely offer to the world, you will suddenly begin to have experiences show up in your life that is what you wanted all along.
You've created resonance.

Here is a story about resonance that recently happened for me.
A few weeks ago, I sent a clear intention through prayer and meditation: "I have two new private clients." I practiced manifesting rituals like journaling, speaking "I am" statements, and staying grateful as I went about my life.
Then one morning, I opened an email from a good friend telling me of an advanced and innovative technology for healing. I suddenly realized that two other random people had mentioned the same wellness center within the last two weeks.
Seemingly unrelated to getting a new client, right?
Investing in additional healing didn't make sense as I had not budgeted for it. Logically it didn't make sense for me to call the center and inquire. But I notice and honor synchronicities and always take action. I decided to call and find out about the technology and the process.
The woman who answered the phone met me with compassion, understanding, and resonance. Feeling an immediate 'goose-bump' affinity, I set up an appointment two days later to experience this technology. I loved it so much and got such incredible results that I've now had several sessions.
But here's the thing. I also got my new client!
In passing, during one of the subsequent sessions, I briefly interacted in the lobby with someone else who was there for a wellness session—a simple remark about the nature of business and marketing today.
Even though my remark was super high level and made in passing, it resonated so profoundly that she asked me if we could meet and talk further.
Think about this. At the time, I was operating in my authentic expression: no make-up, more yoga clothes, no networking event with a stack of cards in my pocket. The key is that I was where my ideal clients hang out, taking care of myself, valuing innovations in healing technologies, and with others like me.
It is where I needed to be and where I would resonate with an ideal client!

We had an initial brand audit meeting, and she is thrilled to finally found me and knows I am the one to guide her. And although the timing isn't correct or her right now, the connection was made.
Because I value my own authentic expression and choose to listen to my inner knowing and God, I was led to healing AND a new client! You can't beat that!
Emerging your authentic expression, claiming your brilliance, and discovering your superpower and unique distinct design is the fastest way to success in business [and life].
Are you feeling a little off in your business? Are you feeling stuck and apathetic? It may be time for a deeper look at yourself to discover a latent talent or skill that could positively impact your business.
The second step to authentic expression is to Activate.

Step 2: ACTIVATE: Turn on Your Innate Power!
What is seeking to emerge?
For decades, men and women like me and you have been molded, guided, and brainwashed to 'the right path' in life - to follow along. This prescribed formula for life is unsustainable, unfair, and grossly wrong. Hard work, discipline, and a generous heart no longer work.
The deck is stacked against us. It is time to rise and answer the inner nudge, the burning desire that won't leave us alone.
You might have felt a restlessness lately with the rumble that is so palatable that it wakes you up at night, eyes wide open. We are literally in the Great Awakening, and humanity as a species is rising in consciousness.
The old is collapsing, and the New Earth is emerging in the world, our communities, and our hearts. It is time for all hands on deck with your unique and distinct gifts that are for this time. Heed the call!
Many of us are being activated and inspired to go beyond what we've known and share a big message of hope, healing, and experiencing a better life.
Our inner knowing tells us with more certainty than data alone can ever give us that we must share our big message. We are being asked to show up in ways we never dreamed we could or would. It's a call we must answer.
Fear not! Once we complete step 1, Align, we become excited to share our big message and express our truth. We have the gumption and the plan to take action.
Alignment pushes you through the growth edge.
Now it's time to activate your power, your brilliance and bring your big message to the world.
As we activate our innate gifts, we pave the way for much easier marketing because:
We are 100% aligned with what we are broadcasting,
Our offer suits us and those we love to help
It's easy to stay consistent and build trust faster (make more sales)
What do you have deep in the recesses that you love doing that is time to bring to the world?
Now let’s get you out there with step 3, Accelerate!

3. ACCELERATE: Quantum Leap time!
The leader in you emerges by aligning with your purpose and activating your power. The power that comes from being real and honest liberates you. It makes you more effective, more productive and gets you faster results.
You build trust and credibility with the people who get you - who resonate with you. People are more likely to feel connected to your company and values, which can lead to long-term loyalty. You can't beat that!
This is Power Positioning in the marketplace.
Whether in your family dealings or your boardroom, you command respect and affinity from those who have not noticed you before. You are seen. You become known for what you do best and with ease and grace. You are working with, not against.
All your marketing initiatives to gain visibility, attract new clients, and grow will be much more effective. You have a clear position in your ideal market with a compelling message and brand identity to broadcast. Your marketing gets easier, more effective, and way more fun!
And you in your authentic expression become memorable and unstoppable!

Power positioning is about strategically positioning yourself and your business to make it unique and memorable to your target audience. It involves clearly understanding who you are and what you stand for and leveraging these insights to create a compelling positioning strategy.
Authentic expression leads to Power Positioning in the marketplace and is how you stand out and differentiate yourself in the minds of others. You create a distinct reputation in the marketplace when you show up authentic.
1) Align with the truth of who you are and what you are uniquely designed to offer the world.
2) Activate your innate gifts that meet your ideal client's needs. Take action required to overcome the resistance of growing into a better version of yourself.
3) Accelerate your results by using your imagination, inspiration, and intuition to powerfully bring your life to what you envision. Focus on gratitude and what you love in life and watch your leadership qualities emerge.
Be true to yourself and be consistent in all aspects of communication, and you will build trust faster. Whether donating your artful talent to your community, through a logo design, or in everyday life, being authentic is the easier, softer way to gain attention for your product or your cause.