Building a Brand Without Soul Is a Big Mistake

You know, I didn't name my beautiful company by random thought.
No, Soul Story Creative came to me.
That’s right. She came to me - the idea, the name and her birth in 2016. We have had a wonderful relationship and journey so far.
Soul Story Creative and I have provided me with a livelihood where I get to shine in my brilliance. Together, we have provided me with income.
Together we have gained more wisdom and have worked with some of the premium souls on the planet.
Soul Story Creative has provided me with purpose, meaning, and a way to make the contribution I came here to make.
She and I have tried many things together; some successful, a few not so much.
It Hasn’t Always Been Easy For Us
There have been many times where I asked Soul Story Creative to give more than she is designed to give. I have been angry at her when she didn’t give me the money I thought I should have. Or disgruntled that she takes up so much time when I'm exhausted and overwhelmed by life.
I have been through much these last 7 years, and Soul Story Creative has always been there for me as I do my inner work to prepare myself more to be the guide for others to their authenticity - their pure truth.
The good that has come though is precious, especially the lovely friends and brilliant others I’ve had the pleasure of connecting with, mostly in a digital world.
SSC has brought me to the world of sacred commerce, true authentic branding, and spiritual quantum marketing.
It is An Exciting Time to Be Alive
It is indeed an exciting and pivotal time in human history.
Consciousness is called for in all we do now for our loved ones, our companies, and our treasured clients. We are uniquely qualified to be the guides and way-showers for others and for ourselves.
In spite of all the ‘bad news’, I am happy to serve in this way in these ascension times - as we evolve as a human race, and expand our consciousness collectively.
Fascinating is how I’m evolving to Integrate ancient teachings and cutting edge brain science with business strategy.
With brain science and quantum physics becoming more mainstream, can you imagine how your business can be supercharged to get faster results using our abilities to create our external reality?
As Greg Schumacher, my friend and co-founder of Rise Media TV on Rumble, says so well,
“We must come from within. It’s about inside to outside. We are now in times that require our choices, actions, and hearts be fueled by your innerstanding and clear vision.”
The power we have available now, as we evolve in these and many other ways, is incredible!
To be alive now with Soul Story Creative, I have so many options to partner with other Light Warriors who I align with and who are also in service to guide people to claim your sovereignty, know your truth, and embrace your power.
Soul Story Creative will continue to be the ‘vehicle’ with which to deliver my soul story message through.
You see, we each have a unique story that is worth sharing. A distinct way of doing things that is authentic and natural for us.
We are purpose driven change-makers who want to build a brand and a business that is authentic and feels good - to work with the people we love to serve - and who can pay us.
These days, please don’t get discouraged when the only marketing you have available is expensive, confusing, and doesn't deliver the results you expect.
Branding and marketing shouldn't be this painful. And I’m here to tell you the good news:
What We Have is Outdated
I understand the frustration we can feel as business owners.
Being sick and tired of wasting money with poor results.
We feel like the tools just don’t work for us.
And it just feels hard - like trying to fit a square peg into a circle.
These times are for the evolved entrepreneur.
We are the Rebels, the Change-Makers, and the Humanitarians. We see things differently. Our path is not the usual. We have a role to fill, a purpose. A mission to do good in the world.
The truth is, we need a better, fresh, & conscious approach to marketing. One that gets us results faster and better, with minimal effort.
Like my client, Dannielle Bryan of ShamanicTwist.com, told me:
"I had no idea how I was going to make my business work - still struggling after 3 years. After going through Lee’s program, I have seen a 100% increase in revenue in less than 2 years! The best thing is now I’ve realized my dream of opening a thriving wellness center!" - Dannielle Bryan, ShamanicTwist.com
The Solution: Come into Alignment
Dannielle built her brand - aligned to her soul purpose & her innate design - and she became recognizable, memorable, & unstoppable.
When I first met her, she told me she hated social media and wasn't going to do it. I said, “Great! No problem”
I could see immediately that social media was not her jam; it wasn’t in her design.
If I had told her she had to do it because that’s what we do in digital marketing, I would have been asking her to put that energy of ‘hate’ into her soul story brand which would put her out of alignment with her pure truth.
However, she stuck with the Soul Story marketing plan we built, and she got massive momentum with minimal effort and got better, faster results.
A Soul Story Brand is a Different Type of Energy
It’s your soul essence coming through in the words, images and design; a conveyance of who you are at the deepest level that is born of the inner work that divinely emerges your soul story that speaks to your ideal clients.
Taking the time to look within for the truth FIRST can put an end to the frustration of ‘marketing’. You don’t feel salesy because you are just being you.
So anchored, so strong, so confident in who you are, what you stand for, with great offers, you won’t have to wonder where your next customer is going to come from.
Don’t Go It Alone
Things are definitely intense right now in the world and being isolated in your business is not a good place to be. Even with the chaos of inflation, war, and global political infighting, the disinformation and misinformation, we must put ourselves around positive high vibe people who will reflect back to us our Soul Story.
I have never been without a coach, a program, or an expert guide. The groups I’ve participated in have offered so much even if I don’t turn my camera on in the Zoom room ;-)
Instead of belaboring that past, wishing and trying to do the same thing, hop on the wave of conscious quantum marketing where it’s faster, better, and way more fun.
Tap into your innate power of imagination and intuition. Listen.
Take inspired action that is best for your unique design.
Find support with other like-minds and have more fun!
I guarantee you will feel so confident, connected and aligned that your ideal customer is drawn to you as ‘the one’ to solve their problem.
You ask, “How the heck is that gonna happen?”
Because it’s all energy. Energy is everything. Everything is energy.
By the way, how’s your vibe today?