Commit to Honoring Yourself
I remember going through Danielle Bryan's year-long medicine wheel program. We study the four directions of the Incan and Shamanic tradition, meeting four times a year and doing follow-up assignments at home in between.
I'm telling you, going through this program changed my life.
The last direction is by far my favorite of them all. The last direction is about committing to honoring yourself and your gifts and I'm going to ask you to consider this for yourself. Last week I talked about using your innate gifts to create a brand that is authentic and I want you to really ask yourself if you are currently in alignment with those gifts.
I went from being this small little mouse behind a camera for 35 years to taking little steps, baby steps to coming out and getting bolder and bigger leaps. That's all you have to do to get real results, just spend five minutes a day feeling how you really want to feel in your life and your business. Then take inspired action. That's all it is. Doing this will help you get in your power and speak your truth in a way that makes you feel like you are operating out of authenticity.
Clear away what stands in your way of being on purpose and let's live life in alignment with that which we came here to do, our sacred life purpose, and blend it with our business. Marketing is so much easier when you do it this way and you will feel so much lighter.
If you need help with you marketing and coming into alignment with your soul's purpose Click Here to schedule a consultation.