Podcast: Wendy White, Choose Love to Boldly Cross Divisive Lines

"I want people in break through their fear, to really think about what they want to contribute to the world."
Wendy White is founder and CEO of Let’s Choose Love.
She envisions a world where love rules. Where people can boldly cross the lines that divide us and come together to innovate a new world - a new way of being that works for all.
That is why Wendy created Let’s Choose Love, a movement dedicated to inspiring people to discover their own voice, gifts and unique role in building this beautiful new world where love rules.
Let’s Choose Love is fresh, fun and thoughtful. And is making a big impact.
Wendy and her team believe everyone has a place and a role to fill. Through inspiring and supporting others in living their dream, the entire community is lifted. And the world changes.
Wendy also co-founded Continuum Consulting Services over 20 years ago. She continues to share as much passion, creativity and wealth of experience she has with Let’s Choose Love with Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and nonprofits through her experiential approach to organizational development.
When Wendy is not consulting, she keeps life in balance with her love for yoga, kayaking, biking, traveling, music, volunteering, gardening, writing, entertaining and enjoying her two adult children. You might even find her solo wandering around the woods having adventures herself!
Key Takeaways from the show:
Why NOW is the time for opportunities to make a difference
The one thing holding us back from getting love into the world
How dealing with this one block opens the floodgates for change
The story of a woman was able to launch and grow a financial literacy program for children with the help of Let's Choose Love