Dr. Rachel left this world to go to "
the most beautiful place she had ever seen' -
she said of her latest meditations before she passed away in 2019.
She spoke of vitality from the inside out. She was a joy-filled and vibrant woman who helped so many in her Naturopath practice.
But it was her coaching that was so unusual and guided others to live a happy, fulfilled life.
And she was one of my favorite clients. She transformed me with her love of life and profound wisdom.
In 2016, Dr. Rachel engaged us to go to Oregon to do her Visual Branding Photography and her Soul Story Film.
In going through my Christmas cards of years past, I came upon Dr. Rachel's card and my heart opened in joy and love.
But she left her legacy of pure love for the thousands she touched with her exuberant and passionate way of seeing life and serving her clients.
The poem she wrote in that Christmas card is what I want to share today as it embodies all I feel this Christmas 2021.
May Dr. Rachel be flying with the Angels, and dancing with the Fairies, and may she be honored in the most deeply held corners of our hearts where her message is needed now more than ever.
"Thank you for being.
I will not die an unlived life.
I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire.
I choose to inhabit my days fully.
To allow my living to open me,
to make me less afraid, more accessible.
To loosen my heart until it becomes a wing, a touch, a promise.
I choose to risk my significance,
to LIVE so that what came to me as seed,
goes on to the next as blossom and
that which came to me as blossom,
goes on as fruit.
May you remember the gift of your body and this life. The gift that YOU are. LOVE heals. Period.XO Dr. Rachel"
May you too be touched by Dr. Rachel's message and have a most loving Christmas and impactful 2022 for those who also need your help and guidance. Because it's true.
I love you Rachel. Your impact on me and my life still resonates through my own meditations practices and in my life adventures. Thank you my dear friend. I honor you.
I invite you watch Dr. Rachel's Soul Story Film and be inspired and moved to having a JOY-filled life!
Wishing you all a happy holiday season and an inspired start to 2022! Much love, Lee
. Dr. Rachel in her essence! She loved this shot ;-) Rest in PEACE and LOVE.