Standing Out in the Quantum Marketing Age

Do miracles belong in business? You bet they do! Let me explain. Because this is key to your success going forward in this economy, world, and new age of quantum.
First, let's start with the feeling that in our business the ways that used to work aren't working to get ourselves out there. Facebook ads, Google ads, and pushing your message in front of people to get their attention just isn't working as well as it used to.
#1 it's too freaking expensive for most of us. Mostly we KNOW we are evolving into a new way of finding people who can help us along the way in life and in our projects and work life.
There’s a reason you feel discouraged when it comes to marketing. We've pushed the humanness out of marketing in a rush for digital championship. We try to do strategies that may have worked for our colleague, but for us, it falls flat.
It worked for her because it is her innate design.
Natural resonance, affinity and compassion are what is called for now. Understanding of our unique way of doing things - our strengths and play into those.
We are in new times that call for a new approach and as it happens, miracles are exactly your doorway into participating in the manifesting of our bright and prosperous future! It is NOW!
It’s the quantum revolution!
It’s happening whether you are ready or not. Like a wild ride at a state fair, you my friend, are being tasked to pioneer new ways of living, healing and transforming that which you are unqiurely qualified to do - and so it happens it is regenerative work; the kind of work you enjoy. It's the work you do and time flies by and you love life!
What ever your offer, any purpose driven change-maker is being nudging you to take action.
This is the new approach. It's requires letting go of these old ways of marketing, bombarding people with content fueled by editorial calendars and plans and conversion data.
You can see it all over social media and websites that say absolutely nothing - that verbose infobesity.
Get this. There are 200 + million websites on the internet as of February 2023. In 2022, an average of 1,821 new women-owned businesses started every day!
How to stand out in all this?
Look, most of those businesses never invested in building a brand that is clear, strategic, and compelling.
They haven't done the work to:
get clear about what they stand for,
hone in on the results they deliver,
create the experience they want to create,
the messages they want to share,
how they want to show up in the marketplace
None of us know what the future brings for marketing. It’s easy to become discouraged and exasperated with the entire mess and ask:
“Why bother? It’s just too much. I’ll never make it in this.”
So you are not alone. Your confusion and despair is real and valid.
Advances in quantum physics are mind-boggling, incredible, and prove there is more to our power than we ever imagined.
As we grow in our understanding of quantum mechanics as it relates to the human body and our brain, we see that the possibility of creating a quantum field of all possibilities isn’t really all that wild.
Polyvagal theory, neuroplasticity, and energy medicine are all on offer. The immense power we all possess is coming to light and it's magnificent!
What I know for sure is that this quantum revolution will bring amazing new inventions and ways of living life. And I'm ready!
The definition of quantum leap is “a huge, often sudden, increase or advance in something. A miracle."
In fact, it’s exactly what the Quantum Age of Business means. One day we are imagining and feeling what it’s like to have a new client, and boom! Tomorrow it’s a miracle! Someone from 2 years ago remembered you and called you to engage you to help them solve their problem.
We have choice and free will. The right use of will power is key in stepping into this new age with success, ease, and fluidity.
That’s where a non-conventional approach to brand strategy comes in and is the strength of your vision.
Quantum Brand Strategy is new, fresh, and powerful.
If you'd like to explore working with a quantum brand strategist, reach out to me and we'll discuss how quantum marketing and authentic branding are the way of massive momentum with minimal effort.
In the meantime, here are 9 ways you can kickstart your visibility and stand out!
9 Ways to Build A Brand that Stands Out
1. You Operate To Your Optimum Efficiency.
We are all different and have strengths that play to our marketing and characteristics that are like oil and water to us and some of the marketing strategies like making a video to post on social media. It’s enough to make us run for the hills!
But weh you know your unique Gene Keys and Cosmic Human Design, you can now leverage the power of your unique design to make more progress with less effort!
Good grief! No wonder I work in spurts! It’s not that I”m a procrastinator or a space cadet. It’s my natural way of creating and being inspired.
All those days in High School when I got put in detention for squirming and not paying attention. That’s when I decided to be a truant.
Check out your Cosmic Human Design chart and give Jarin a holler to unpack it for you!
2. Step Into Your Power
Being a successful entrepreneur requires the right use of will. We can’t just get our messaging, our logo and website, and expect it all to magically just start putting money in our bank account. That’s just silly!
We know we have to get out there. In a digital world of infobesity, looking at that competition, it’s too easy to get distracted.
And we flail, get discouraged because nothing is working and we just stop.
That’s why 90% of businesses fail.
We must have support! I always have a business group I’m a part of. I always have a business coach. We simip[ly can’t do this alone! It’s the Age of Aquarius and it’s time to share the burden, share our stories, and lift each other up.
We must continue to grow. To break through the growth edges we will surely encounter.
What will you do when you go to stand out in that 60 second video you are going to make to help that group of women who need your advice?
Do you have a business coach that will help you break through your growth edge? Because it will happen ;-) Just sayin.
3. Emerge your unique distinct brand story.
“The way you do anything is the way you do everything.”
For example, I have decades of experience mentoring women who have lost their lives to alcohol. Through working with hundreds of women, I honed my skill of holding space for them to see their superpower, their wisdom, and what lights them up.
I learned to see beyond their words, and show them their power so they can show up in their truth, aligned and activated in their genius.
This is what makes me different - is I don’t tell you who to be, like many branding designers. I show the world who you are.
What sets you apart? Are you staying true to that unique distinct offer throughout your business?
4. What do you think?
What do you stand for is one of the best questions any business owner can spend time on. It’s your platform - your thought leadership. If done correctly, it will emerge your unique signature system.
List 10 bold statements, your soapbox time. YOUR philosophies, opinions, convictions about “the way [this] needs to be done”. This is your soapbox, knowing what you know -- about your industry, life, and your business. Go at it. Give this some real thought. What are deal breakers in your industry, in society, in life. The way you do it, what you believe, your opinion about what you do.
This is a great journal exercise because as you write, more will come. Bring it!
My Impact Brand Private program is a comprehensive brand journey that includes building your thought leadership signature system. We start with your brand story because you can’t build a website without first establishing your brand story messaging ecosystem. Next we write your website copy, create your signature program, set up your backend systems, create your lead magnet, write your nurture sequence emails, and more!
All of this takes my offer in a private done for you model to a much deeper level than a group program or hiring a website designer who simply builds a 5-page site and sends you off on your own.
What about you - do you take your work to a deeper level than others who offer similar services?
5. Clear Understanding of your Ideal Client’s Needs
For example, I specialize in working with entrepreneurs who are the face of their brand. In other words, I help create "personal & service-based brands" rather than specializing in branding "products".
Since I too am a service-based consultant, I have a clearer understanding of this type of brand. I’ve been a brand strategist for over 10 years, and continue to stay on top of the unique challenges consultants in the B2B marketplace have.
Do you feel you truly have a clear understanding of your ideal clients' real needs?
6. Signature Program
Like I said in the beginning, the way you roll is the way you do everything.
We each have a unique way of doing things, of getting us to point A to point B. A process, a series of steps you take to get you to the solution.
This is your signature program and it’s different than anyone elses.
It's different because it’s YOU. It’s how to you do it.
Once you have identified your own signature program you can start to become known for and sought after for this unique body of work.
Do you have a signature program? If not, it's definitely something to consider adding to your business - it's an instant differentiator!
7. Personal Story
Maybe you have a personal story that is exceptionally memorable and transformative.
For example, you won the silver medal in an X Games Extreme Half-pipe skier after only visualizing the new trick because a knee injury kept you out of on-site training!
Jen Hudak went on to guide retired olympic athletes to new careers - just as she did.
(you can read about Jen and her branding case study here)
Stories are for sharing, regardless. They create connection that our audience needs to build trust in us in order to take action. The key is - it must be relevant to your ideal client.
Do you have a story you could share that would make you unforgettable?
8. Your Guidance Is In An Area Your Competitors Overlook
I don’t do normal doctors - only integrative and holistic.
When I had tried everything I knew to fix my carpal tunnel syndrome -- from stretches, to braces, to stem cell therapy -- I found Egoscue.
This is a form of exercise that realigns your structure. And by realigning my structure properly, and strengthening the muscles to support my skeletal, the pressure on the nerves in my neck was released, and my hands had no more numbness and the strength completely came back!
The thing that set my trainer and her philosophy apart from everyone else was her intensive training to intuitively and therapeutically diagnose properly and then giv eme the weekly routines to build on my previous progress.
I can’t tell you how grateful I am to Ellie and her help!
I wonder, do you have a technique or tool that’s different in your industry?
9. Niche down
I'm sure you've heard about choosing a "narrow niche" plenty of times - most business owners have had this pounded into us from the get go. But let's talk about it from the perspective of helping you stand out amidst all that online noise.
For example, let's say you're a business coach. Well that's pretty broad. Business coaching is a big topic and there are TONS of blog and social posts being shared about it every day. It's easy to get lost in that kind of noise.
But let's say you're a naturopathic doctor who's built a successful business and you want to teach other naturopaths how to do the same. Now, instead of getting lost in all that online noise about business, you're being found by a very particular group of people who are searching for exactly the type of focused support you provide!
Consider your business for a moment - could you narrow your focus so you could be more easily found by the people who need you most?
Well, that's it - your 9 ways to stand out when it’s just too discouraging.
This is important to figure out because if YOU don't know why someone should work with you, they won't know either!
Action Step: Review the above list and choose 1-5 of the ways you resonate with most. Integrate them into your business. If in alignment, you will feel inspired. If not, I’m here for you. Just reach out!