The Key to An Authentic Brand

Let me ask you something... do you know why having an authentic brand is important?
Because it all comes down to happiness.
If we're not in alignment with what we're doing, it doesn't bring us joy. We're not happy. It's not sustainable.
That's why when you're creating a brand that's authentic to you it’s important to start at the beginning.
Who are you? What do you love to do? What is your hobby? Whatever those things are, it’s important to write them down and understand who you are.
Why? Because when you come into alignment with your soul, these things that bring you joy get integrated into the work you're doing in the world. This is what will make you successful!
Let me give you an example. Helen is an interior designer that came to me a few years ago who creates custom patterns and surface designs. She wanted to sell clothing with her prints on them; dresses, pillows, and fabrics with her designs on them.
Coming into the relationship we knew she had gifts of interior design, arranging furniture, and of creating print surface designs. But what I found out in my unique brand discovery process was that because Helen grew up in China, her passions are Feng Shui and spirituality.
Now these all seemed like ancillary gifts -- Feng Shui, spirituality, interior design, and creating fabrics for upholstery. They don't really seem to blend... or do they?
Because we wanted Helen’s brand to be a reflection of her, we created something that allowed her to bring it all together.
This is my goal for every brand journey and should be yours when you think about your authentic brand! This is what makes every brand authentic.
Quite frankly, if you think about who you are, there's nobody else like you on the planet! So your hobbies, your interests, and your unique gifts create an authentic brand that stands out as long as you bring it in a way that your audience can understand.
Helen’s business not only creates beautiful room arrangements, but she creates pattern designs that are custom-made, based on her clients' birth date and birth element. Adding all these different pieces into her business has caused it to thrive and she can't wait to get up in the morning!
And these seemingly unrelated facets are her distinction!
Oftentimes, your distinction can be those gifts and talent you may otherwise throw out. The very thing she needed to stand out in a noisy marketplace, to make Helen different from all the others, were the things she would have discarded.
So here's your challenge. Start with an inventory of what makes you, YOU. Think back: what were you doing that you loved when you were six years old? What have you been doing all your life that you have as a non-negotiable? Nothing gets left out. Bring it to the table, write it down.
Once you have done that, sift through it. See how it can enhance and expand your brand to make you distinct and make you stand out.
Doing this will help you attract the people you want to work with right to you. They recognize you and they can't wait to work with you. That's the foundation used to create a happy, authentic brand.
If you want some help with this process Click Here to schedule a free brand audit with me. I will help you understand exactly where you need to tweak your branding to make you stand out!