How To Get Brand Clarity, The Right Way

Isn't relief one of the best feelings ever? Who doesn’t LOVE that feeling of reassurance and relaxation following release from anxiety or distress. It brings on a sense of laughter and joy!
I just had a client tell me:
"It's such a relief! I have a clear message and the tools I need to move forward! What a weight off my shoulders!"
It was BRAND CLARITY is what got her that sense of relief.
If brand clarity sparks such positivity, why do we avoid this step?
Most leaders mistakenly figure marketing tactics are the first step. They skip the most critical piece of brand clarity and jump right to logos and marketing.
I get it. Marketing is so confusing it's impossible to do it yourself and it be easy, repeatable, and effective.
Most of the time it's a bunch of tactics that were never thought through and the result is wasted money on paid ads, buying lists, and the worst, getting "my neighbor to build me a website" because he said he can and it's really cheap too. 🙄
I don't mean to sound so snarky about it. It's just that when it comes to having a presence online, we've got to be strategic about it.
It will save you lots of time and lost opportunities!
Take a peek at this illustration of a tree as an analogy to a proper brand journey.

The haphazard approach of doing marketing tactics first (the branches and leaves) will not work in business. You’ve got to start at the roots to emerge a clear, cohesive brand. Be deliberate or your prospect will be confused.
First step is to get to the root of it; get conscious, and clarify who you are and what you stand for.
That emerges your innate superpower -- your distinction!
What you LOVE to do and are meant to do.
The only way to emerge this content is to do the work. Develop your brand consciously to manifest your vision strategically.
If you'd like to talk about how we can help you get crystal clear on your superpower, schedule a complimentary call.
By approaching your business consciously, you naturally come into alignment with yourself which creates RESONANCE with the people you are meant to serve.

Resonance is magnetic, powerful, and attracts your people to you because your messaging reflects this symbiotic relationship between you and those you are here to serve - "birds of a feather flock together" ☺️
With RESONANCE, your brand messaging will:
1) Position you powerfully in the eyes of those you want to work with
2) Gets their attention with resonant copywriting
3) Begin to build trust with them because the feel like you know them
Putting time and energy into getting brand clarity means you have built offers and revenue channels strategically and consciously that appeal directly to your ideal client, with compelling messaging.
Getting clarity first, not only leads to a deep knowing within yourself of what you are really here to do, but also steers you to the right match of those who will appreciate and value the very gifts you are bringing.
“Clarity is the difference between “my cousin made me a logo” and conscious brand building``.
Five Ways Clarity Manifest Success in Your Business:
Increase revenue and reach
Getting clear on your brand messaging can yield up to 20% more revenue according to the latest studies. Forbes
The biggest negative impact of an inconsistent brand is the confusion it creates. A confused person never buys.
Additionally, in the age of infobesity, bombarding them with paragraphs of content is 1) rude, and 2) no one reads it as studies indicate.
Take the time to build a strong clear and cohesive brand messaging library you and ensure your prospects are never confused. They can sense that you really get them through your resonant messaging.
Your bottom line will be affected for the long term.
We help business owners get the brand clarity they need to move forward with confidence and momentum. Schedule a complimentary brand audit and let’s see how you can mitigate risk and move forward.
2. More of Your Ideal Clients
Why in the world would you want to invite your closest friends to dinner and then not be there when they show up?
Because that is exactly what launching and spewing marketing content out into the market place does when you don't have a clear compelling message about your prospect. It can ruin you right out of the gate.
You don't make a great first impression. And you can’t undo that.
You fail to relate to your ideal prospect. They don't stick around.
You lose opportunities because you don't stand out.
Building a conscious brand story is NOT about YOU or your company! Your brand story is always centered around one question: 'How are you making your customer's life better?"
Your brand messaging content is derived from taking the time to gain valuable insights into what your customer really wants and needs. It will show in the language you use in your marketing copy.
Interview previous clients. Ask good questions and learn boatloads! Grab the soundbites in their answers to your questions and integrate that into your copy on your website, your emails, and talks.
People don’t buy the best - they buy the easiest to understand. What better way than to use some of their exact language. Language that lands ;-)
3) Bring the Power into Your Positioning
You can spend all the money you’d like on a beautiful website and fancy high-price ads, but if they don't understand your unique value proposition (UVP) they will leave.
Leaving Innate Gifts Left Behind?! Say it isn’t so!
Your power positioning is one of your most valuable marketing tools.
It's what separates you from the rest of the pack and, if packaged consciously, will offer great opportunities to get in front of your ideal clients.
Take the time to take inventory.
It is quite possible that there are gifts you’ve left behind that are so natural and innate, that could set you apart, that is so easy, you don’t even realize it!
When we go deep and uncover more of authentic nature,
you attract your ideal clients to you.
your business becomes fun and natural.
you gain massive confidence and your vision expands.
you feel inspired and enriched by the clarity because you have connected with yourself.
Now your connection to those you are meant to serve bears fruit by virtue of resonance.
They can ‘see’ you, trust you, and engage with you.
4) Enough Content to Use for Years
We need content in our marketing. And it better be clear, cohesive and used consistently to stand out in this noisy internet.
How great would it be to copy and paste your content when building your marketing?
What if your team member could just take your brand documents and build it for you - in your voice?!
How much time would you save?
How much relief would you experience?
How much more fun would you be having?
From social media posts to website designs to product descriptions, the overall tone and aesthetics, and your message should communicate your brand story and your core values repeatedly, consistently. You become memorable.
You are liberated!
5) Stand Out from the Crowd.
In 1999, Seth Godin wrote his infamous Purple Cow, and about a decade later, in 2011, Simon Senek wrote Start With Why. These two books guided me into integrating my spiritual life with my business life in the form of sacred commerce and conscious marketing.
Let's be honest, no one wants to be sold to. We are smart enough to make our own decisions based on our research. To top it off we are in the age of infobesity - so much noise and distraction in our lives.
Authenticity sells. Period. And it activates the attractor factor -- Resonance.
Resonance is the easy way to build relationships with their target audience. But it requires innerstanding.
To stand out and make the impact you’re here to make, be authentic and strategic in your brand content.
Because of the science of resonance guarantees that your ideal client will recognize you as their guide on the spot!
Stand out because you finally stand for something. You have something meaningful to say, and you have something of value to offer to the right people.
Be real, be visible, to be prosperous.
If you are ready to get this together so your marketing is easier, schedule a complimentary call with me and we’ll get you clarity right now.
Because clarity is what will move you forward the fastest. 😉