What The Hell Is Branding Anyway?

Building trust is key to a successful business because people buy from those they trust.
So, what is branding anyway?
Branding can be obscure. It’s an art and a science. It’s a website and it’s not.
And if you don’t get it right, it can be a liability. Because a confused person never buys. And if your visitor is confused by you and your message, they will leave.
Branding is about representing you and the vision you have for your business in its organic, authentic form. Your brand visually and instantly reflects your values and why you do what you do.
Sure - your logo, colors, fonts, and images are all a huge element to your brand story.
But overall, it’s the experience you want your customer to feel when they visit your website.
A clear message and brand strategy will create a consistent message on your website and marketing collateral that your audience will remember, they will believe you, and thus they TRUST you.
Your brand is intended to convey that you care, that you want to and can help them. That you are fulfilling a part of the bigger picture in helping them. Isn’t this why you do this business? To make an impact?
When someone encounters your brand, your website, or you in person, you want them to feel viscerally that you are their person; For them to feel compelled to talk to you and to take action in engaging you.
Branding done right and in the correct order wins loyal customers. Clarity of your message, communicated with story and strategy, and captivating images, colors, fonts that represent you come all together to create YOUR brand.
So what do you do if you can’t hire a brand strategist but know that you need to get your image together? Have no fear...
...here are some branding questions you need to answer to start discovering your Brand Story:
Who am I?
The first question. Determine who you are in your business, and in your life.What do I stand for?
What are your soul values and what makes you so unique?Why should they care?
What’s in your being-ness that’s in it for them?
These answers will connect the heart of your WHO to your WHY and your WHAT.
Answer these 3 questions first, you are on your way to a resonant, engaging and authentic brand.
Create a solid foundation that builds momentum in your business and attracts those you are meant to serve. Without saying a word.
P.S. If you’re a business owner who doesn’t want to do this alone anymore, I would love to chat with you. I have many options for you to create a more engaging online presence.
“Lee’s knowledge of branding and insightful processes to pull out the key messages and the WHY I do what I do are both masterful and nurturing, bringing not only clarity but huge relief that finally my message was clear and beautifully expressed, both visually and with words. The results are nothing short of stunning!” -- Diana M. Needham